Last week... History was made in the United States. Whether you're Republican or Democrat... whether you voted for Obama, McCain, or didn’t vote at all... that wasn't the issue. The victory came, not in the form a Donkey, or Elephant, but in the fact that there were millions together in Washington D. C. of all races... black, white, brown, yellow, red. In a political arena, a statement was made – ‘although, there is not a lot of unity over the economy, social issues, moral issues, etc. There is obvious progress that has been made racially!’
In sports... racial unity is displayed beautifully. Men, of all races and backgrounds wear identical uniforms with the same purpose in mind: win! Women, with different skin colors wear uniforms that are the exact same color. Why? Because, they are on the SAME TEAM! What unity! This Sunday... millions will be watching the Super Bowl. There will be a Hispanic man, blocking for a White man, who will be throwing to a Black man, while a Samoan man is trying to intercept it. All the while, millions of people, representing all races, will be cheering them on! The sports world seems to understand racial unity.
However, while political arenas and the sports worlds seem to understand racial unity, the church once again is lagging behind. Sunday mornings from 10 AM till 12 PM is still the most segregated two hours in America. The worst description that a church can receive is this... that church is a White church, this church is a Hispanic church, that church is a Black church, and so on... Churches are supposed to be a visual picture of what takes place in Heaven. I know this may blow some of our minds... but, Heaven will not be racially segregated... there are no white sections, or black sections of Heaven. We will all be around the throne of Jesus worshipping Him... TOGETHER!
The Bible says, “After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb. They were clothed in white robes and held palm branches in their hands. And they were shouting with a mighty shout, ‘Salvation comes from our God who sits on the throne and from the Lamb!’” – Revelation 7:9 – 10 Can you imagine this celebration? What a worship service… with every race and language all together worshipping the ‘Lamb of God’ – Jesus Christ! That is what I call Church! And… our worship services here on earth should be a reflection of what is going on in Heaven.
I have to brag on my church (OHBC) for a minute… This past Sunday, we Baptized… a Caucasian woman, two African-American men, and then a Hispanic male came forward to set a date for Baptism… while men and women of all three races cheered them on! Don’t get me wrong… I know we have a long, long way to go, but I think nothing showcases the blessings of God like RACIAL UNITY!
Jesus, may all races be unified in promoting Your Kingdom!
Just some thoughts from this Ranting Pastor…
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Is it Wrong to Dance? Why has this Been Taught?
Question: Is Dancing Wrong? Why has this Been Taught?
Taught at the Orchard Hills Baptist Church Seekers Class
- This question has usually been associated with Baptist. You hear the statements, “Baptist don’t dance.” I’ve heard pastors say, “You can’t have a praying knee and a dancing foot on the same leg.” This debate is usually found in the center of a generation gap. The older generation has a stance, while a younger generation asks, “Why”? However, let’s see what the Bible says:
I. Dancing in the Bible – Let’s be very clear from the beginning… dancing is found in the Bible. And, guess what? No one was struck with lightning bolts while they were doing it!
a. Dancing as Worship unto the Lord: There were obviously times in the Bible where people danced as worship unto Jehovah. Here are a few examples:
i. “And David danced before the Lord with all his might, wearing a priestly garment. So David and all the people of Israel brought up the Ark of the Lord with shouts of joy and the blowing of rams’ horns.” - 2 Samuel 6:14 – 15
ii. “You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy.” - Psalm 30:11
iii. “Praise His name with dancing, accompanied by a tambourine and harp.” - Psalm 149:3
iv. “Praise Him with the tambourine and dancing; prise Him with strings and flutes!” - Psalm 150:3
b. Dancing, just to Dance: However, there were also instances in the Bible, where people were dancing just to dance. Dancing is a big part of Jewish culture. They danced at parties, birthdays, and weddings. Don’t forget… Jesus first miracle was performed at a wedding (John 2), where they would have been dancing. Does this mean that JESUS WAS DANCING? You can probably bank on it!
i. “A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance.” - Ecclesiastes 3:4
1. This verse is in a context of scripture that is dealing with different scenarios in life. Everyone experiences good times, and rough times. There will be times when you will cry, and times when you will laugh. There will be other times when you will be grieving and hurting, then there will be other times when your dancing and having a great time.
ii. “To what can I compare this generation? It is like children playing a game in the public square. They complain to their friends, ‘We played wedding songs, and you didn’t dance, so we played funeral songs and you didn’t mourn.’ For John the Baptist didn’t spend his time eating and drinking, and you say, ‘He’s possessed by a demon.’ The Son of Man, on the other hand, feasts and drinks, and you say, ‘He’s a glutton and a drunkard, and a friend of tax collectors and other sinners!’ But wisdom is shown to be right by results.” - Matthew 11:16 – 19
1. Oh no! Was Jesus is connected with having a good time? People were critical of everything He or John the Baptist did. It is a okay to be a Christian and have a good time. I promise! The concern is… What environment are you placing yourself in to have that ‘good time’?
iii. “Meanwhile, the older son was in the fields working. When he returned home, he heard music and dancing in the house.” - Luke 15:25
1. This was possibly an act of worship in thankfullness to God fro returning the boy. However, let’s be clear about this… it was a coming home party! They were celebrating, and dancing!
- This is what I believe the Bible says: Obviously the act of dancing is not a sin in itself. I think the confusion has come from this… the main concern was not the act of dancing, but rather, placing yourself in the setting that dancing takes place a lot of times - bars, clubs, etc. Then, the things (fairly or unfairly) that are often associated with those places - fights, alcohol, and one night stands (sexual immorality, for those not familiar with the term).
o I believe everyone should consider a couple of things with this issue:
1. The way you dance: If you want to dance with your wife, then I would consider that a wonderful thing. I usually don’t dance. Not, that I believe it is wrong, but rather, because I can’t and therefore… I embarrass my wife.
• However, I think the ‘booty-grinding dancing’ (for lack of a better term) can be a negative act. Especially, between two unmarried individuals, because it can cause you or someone else to sin. It could cause those “ol’ hormones” to awaken.
• Girls especially… The way you dance could cause a man to look at you and lust after you. Don’t give a reason for someone to stumble, because of your actions.
o 1 Corinthians 8:9, 12 – “Be careful, however, that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to weak. When you sin against them in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ.”
2. Where you dance: What environment are you placing yourself in to have a ‘good time’? My grandpa always said, “If you hang around skunks long enough, you’ll start to smell like one.” There is no one who is strong enough to place themselves in a negative environment consisently and it not affect them in negative ways!
• If you are around the bar scence or club scene… you will inevitably take on the bar and club scene. You can’t have a growing and life-changing relationship with Jesus, while consistently placing yourself in a scene that will hinder that relationship.
I knew a group of young Christian men, who had the bright idea of going into Strip Clubs to share Jesus with people. Well… sadly to say… none of those men are serving the Lord any longer, because they got so caught up in that scene.
Taught at the Orchard Hills Baptist Church Seekers Class
- This question has usually been associated with Baptist. You hear the statements, “Baptist don’t dance.” I’ve heard pastors say, “You can’t have a praying knee and a dancing foot on the same leg.” This debate is usually found in the center of a generation gap. The older generation has a stance, while a younger generation asks, “Why”? However, let’s see what the Bible says:
I. Dancing in the Bible – Let’s be very clear from the beginning… dancing is found in the Bible. And, guess what? No one was struck with lightning bolts while they were doing it!
a. Dancing as Worship unto the Lord: There were obviously times in the Bible where people danced as worship unto Jehovah. Here are a few examples:
i. “And David danced before the Lord with all his might, wearing a priestly garment. So David and all the people of Israel brought up the Ark of the Lord with shouts of joy and the blowing of rams’ horns.” - 2 Samuel 6:14 – 15
ii. “You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy.” - Psalm 30:11
iii. “Praise His name with dancing, accompanied by a tambourine and harp.” - Psalm 149:3
iv. “Praise Him with the tambourine and dancing; prise Him with strings and flutes!” - Psalm 150:3
b. Dancing, just to Dance: However, there were also instances in the Bible, where people were dancing just to dance. Dancing is a big part of Jewish culture. They danced at parties, birthdays, and weddings. Don’t forget… Jesus first miracle was performed at a wedding (John 2), where they would have been dancing. Does this mean that JESUS WAS DANCING? You can probably bank on it!
i. “A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance.” - Ecclesiastes 3:4
1. This verse is in a context of scripture that is dealing with different scenarios in life. Everyone experiences good times, and rough times. There will be times when you will cry, and times when you will laugh. There will be other times when you will be grieving and hurting, then there will be other times when your dancing and having a great time.
ii. “To what can I compare this generation? It is like children playing a game in the public square. They complain to their friends, ‘We played wedding songs, and you didn’t dance, so we played funeral songs and you didn’t mourn.’ For John the Baptist didn’t spend his time eating and drinking, and you say, ‘He’s possessed by a demon.’ The Son of Man, on the other hand, feasts and drinks, and you say, ‘He’s a glutton and a drunkard, and a friend of tax collectors and other sinners!’ But wisdom is shown to be right by results.” - Matthew 11:16 – 19
1. Oh no! Was Jesus is connected with having a good time? People were critical of everything He or John the Baptist did. It is a okay to be a Christian and have a good time. I promise! The concern is… What environment are you placing yourself in to have that ‘good time’?
iii. “Meanwhile, the older son was in the fields working. When he returned home, he heard music and dancing in the house.” - Luke 15:25
1. This was possibly an act of worship in thankfullness to God fro returning the boy. However, let’s be clear about this… it was a coming home party! They were celebrating, and dancing!
- This is what I believe the Bible says: Obviously the act of dancing is not a sin in itself. I think the confusion has come from this… the main concern was not the act of dancing, but rather, placing yourself in the setting that dancing takes place a lot of times - bars, clubs, etc. Then, the things (fairly or unfairly) that are often associated with those places - fights, alcohol, and one night stands (sexual immorality, for those not familiar with the term).
o I believe everyone should consider a couple of things with this issue:
1. The way you dance: If you want to dance with your wife, then I would consider that a wonderful thing. I usually don’t dance. Not, that I believe it is wrong, but rather, because I can’t and therefore… I embarrass my wife.
• However, I think the ‘booty-grinding dancing’ (for lack of a better term) can be a negative act. Especially, between two unmarried individuals, because it can cause you or someone else to sin. It could cause those “ol’ hormones” to awaken.
• Girls especially… The way you dance could cause a man to look at you and lust after you. Don’t give a reason for someone to stumble, because of your actions.
o 1 Corinthians 8:9, 12 – “Be careful, however, that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to weak. When you sin against them in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ.”
2. Where you dance: What environment are you placing yourself in to have a ‘good time’? My grandpa always said, “If you hang around skunks long enough, you’ll start to smell like one.” There is no one who is strong enough to place themselves in a negative environment consisently and it not affect them in negative ways!
• If you are around the bar scence or club scene… you will inevitably take on the bar and club scene. You can’t have a growing and life-changing relationship with Jesus, while consistently placing yourself in a scene that will hinder that relationship.
I knew a group of young Christian men, who had the bright idea of going into Strip Clubs to share Jesus with people. Well… sadly to say… none of those men are serving the Lord any longer, because they got so caught up in that scene.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Is it Biblical for a Woman to be a Senior Pastor?
This question is a bomb that’s ready to explode with controversy. But, here we go:
1. Adam - In the Bible, there is a common theme of leadership. To understand the roles of ledership, the roles of men, and the roles of women; we must begin in Genesis the book of beginnings.
a. Adam and Eve: Genesis 1:26 – 27 = God made us male and female as the crowning jewel of His creation. He made men and women equal, yet with different roles.
1. Example: Daughter plays with dolls, while the brother tries to bomb it with his Cheetos.
ii. Helper – Gen. 2:20 = God made women as ‘helpers’, which explains why it is not uncommon to find women pursuing careers and ministries that enable them to genuinely help other people.
b. Adam as Leader: God made man first, which established him as the natural leader.
i. Tne Fall took place when the man sinned – Gen. 3:6 – 7
ii. God came looking for the man after the Fall – Gen. 3:9
iii. He would rule over the woman – Gen. 3:16
iv. God held Adam primarily responsible for the Fall – Gen. 3:17, Rom. 5:12
2. Old Testament Kings, Priests, and Prophets – In the Old Testament, all kings, high priests, and prophets were men. All twelve tribes of Israel were named after twelve men.
3. The Practice of Jesus – Jesus was a revolutionary when it came to the treatment of women. Women during His time were treated as property, denied education, and were handed a veil to cover themselves so that they would dissappear into oblivion. (Interestingly, the death religion known as Islam, still treat women like this today.)
a. Jesus’ Treatment of Women: Jesus often violated social taboos regarding women.
i. He brefriended the Samaritian women – John 4:7 – 26
ii. He spoke publicly to the widow of Nain – Luke 7:12 – 13
iii. He often used women as examples of great faith in His teachings
iv. He allowed a sinful women to anoint Him – Luke 7:36 – 50
v. Two of His closest friends were two women that He loved like sisters – Luke 10:38 – 39
b. Jesus Chose Twelve Disciples: Jesus chose twelve men as His disciples.
i. Jesus honored, taught, and loved women and even included them in vital positions in His ministry. But He did not elevate women to the highest level of leadership, in keeping with the creation order and the Old Testament example.
ii. One, might say, that Jesus did not want to be controversial. However, He did choose fishermen, a tax collector, etc. as leaders. Plus, wasn’t He controversial enough to be put to death? I don’t think that would have stopped Him!
4. Teachings of Paul and the New Testament – Paul continues to follow the Creation order, the prophets and the Old Testament, and the example of Jesus.
a. The Letters to Timothy and Titus: Paul, in his letters to Timothy and Titus clearly describe the qualifications for being a pastor/elder/overseer.
i. 1 Timothy 2:11 – 14 = These verses are very, very touchy. To figure out the true meaning of these verses, we must look at the context of the rest of these writings. The very next Chapter explains the qualifications of the pastor/elder/overseer, so these verses seem imply that a woman cannot be Biblically considered for this position.
1. v. 12 – ‘Teach’ = This is in reference to the teaching of a pastor. (Just a side note: This entire letter is written to Timothy, who is a young pastor in Ephesus).
2. V. 12 - ‘Authority’ = The Greek word used here, is the only place it is used in the New Testament, and it refers to the highest authority in the church: that of pastor.
ii. 1 Timothy 3:1 – 7, Titus 1:5 – 9 = Notice how many times the pronouns “he” and “him” are used compared to how many feminine pronouns are used.
1. Three Views from these Scriptures:
a. Liberal: All ministries and offices in the church, including the role of pastor, are open to men and women.
b. Fundamental (Traditional): Women are not permitted to be an elder, pastor, deacon, serve communion, teach men, lead worship, pray or speak in the church services, etc. Women should focus on ministries for other women and children. Or, if your Baptist, the poor women are stuck cooking and cleaning up after the fellowships.
c. Moderate: In my opinion, this is the correct Biblical view. Men and women are partners together in every area of ministry. All ministries in the church are open to all qualified men and women with the singular exception of the office of pastor, which the Scriptures require to be a male-only office. Women can serve in teaching, leading music, serving communion, be in full-time paid ministries, go to seminary, etc.
I thank God for godly women who aspire to serve Jesus with their lives. I also thank God that women have often stepped into leadership roles when there was an over-abundance of lazy, uncaring, incompontent men, and a shortage of godly men seeking to use their lives to lead in the Kingdom of God.
But, if I am going to be faithful to serving God with my life by studying and teaching the Bible, then I have to say that the role of pastor is reserved for qualified men only.
1. Adam - In the Bible, there is a common theme of leadership. To understand the roles of ledership, the roles of men, and the roles of women; we must begin in Genesis the book of beginnings.
a. Adam and Eve: Genesis 1:26 – 27 = God made us male and female as the crowning jewel of His creation. He made men and women equal, yet with different roles.
1. Example: Daughter plays with dolls, while the brother tries to bomb it with his Cheetos.
ii. Helper – Gen. 2:20 = God made women as ‘helpers’, which explains why it is not uncommon to find women pursuing careers and ministries that enable them to genuinely help other people.
b. Adam as Leader: God made man first, which established him as the natural leader.
i. Tne Fall took place when the man sinned – Gen. 3:6 – 7
ii. God came looking for the man after the Fall – Gen. 3:9
iii. He would rule over the woman – Gen. 3:16
iv. God held Adam primarily responsible for the Fall – Gen. 3:17, Rom. 5:12
2. Old Testament Kings, Priests, and Prophets – In the Old Testament, all kings, high priests, and prophets were men. All twelve tribes of Israel were named after twelve men.
3. The Practice of Jesus – Jesus was a revolutionary when it came to the treatment of women. Women during His time were treated as property, denied education, and were handed a veil to cover themselves so that they would dissappear into oblivion. (Interestingly, the death religion known as Islam, still treat women like this today.)
a. Jesus’ Treatment of Women: Jesus often violated social taboos regarding women.
i. He brefriended the Samaritian women – John 4:7 – 26
ii. He spoke publicly to the widow of Nain – Luke 7:12 – 13
iii. He often used women as examples of great faith in His teachings
iv. He allowed a sinful women to anoint Him – Luke 7:36 – 50
v. Two of His closest friends were two women that He loved like sisters – Luke 10:38 – 39
b. Jesus Chose Twelve Disciples: Jesus chose twelve men as His disciples.
i. Jesus honored, taught, and loved women and even included them in vital positions in His ministry. But He did not elevate women to the highest level of leadership, in keeping with the creation order and the Old Testament example.
ii. One, might say, that Jesus did not want to be controversial. However, He did choose fishermen, a tax collector, etc. as leaders. Plus, wasn’t He controversial enough to be put to death? I don’t think that would have stopped Him!
4. Teachings of Paul and the New Testament – Paul continues to follow the Creation order, the prophets and the Old Testament, and the example of Jesus.
a. The Letters to Timothy and Titus: Paul, in his letters to Timothy and Titus clearly describe the qualifications for being a pastor/elder/overseer.
i. 1 Timothy 2:11 – 14 = These verses are very, very touchy. To figure out the true meaning of these verses, we must look at the context of the rest of these writings. The very next Chapter explains the qualifications of the pastor/elder/overseer, so these verses seem imply that a woman cannot be Biblically considered for this position.
1. v. 12 – ‘Teach’ = This is in reference to the teaching of a pastor. (Just a side note: This entire letter is written to Timothy, who is a young pastor in Ephesus).
2. V. 12 - ‘Authority’ = The Greek word used here, is the only place it is used in the New Testament, and it refers to the highest authority in the church: that of pastor.
ii. 1 Timothy 3:1 – 7, Titus 1:5 – 9 = Notice how many times the pronouns “he” and “him” are used compared to how many feminine pronouns are used.
1. Three Views from these Scriptures:
a. Liberal: All ministries and offices in the church, including the role of pastor, are open to men and women.
b. Fundamental (Traditional): Women are not permitted to be an elder, pastor, deacon, serve communion, teach men, lead worship, pray or speak in the church services, etc. Women should focus on ministries for other women and children. Or, if your Baptist, the poor women are stuck cooking and cleaning up after the fellowships.
c. Moderate: In my opinion, this is the correct Biblical view. Men and women are partners together in every area of ministry. All ministries in the church are open to all qualified men and women with the singular exception of the office of pastor, which the Scriptures require to be a male-only office. Women can serve in teaching, leading music, serving communion, be in full-time paid ministries, go to seminary, etc.
I thank God for godly women who aspire to serve Jesus with their lives. I also thank God that women have often stepped into leadership roles when there was an over-abundance of lazy, uncaring, incompontent men, and a shortage of godly men seeking to use their lives to lead in the Kingdom of God.
But, if I am going to be faithful to serving God with my life by studying and teaching the Bible, then I have to say that the role of pastor is reserved for qualified men only.
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